Online resources for Astronomy/Astrophysics/Cosmology
Authors Shruti Pandharipande Rimsha Arif Organizations website International NASA’s website is a great resource for news and information about current
Authors Shruti Pandharipande Rimsha Arif Organizations website International NASA’s website is a great resource for news and information about current
This Blog is written by- Shruti Pandharipande an enthusiastic and motivated undergraduate physics student. Her interests are piqued by astronomy,
Note: This post caters only to the preparation of DSE Probability A list of topics you must know is Permutation
I was not a typical good student as seen in the Indian education and social system and I still not
All the information in this post was taken from this upload of IISER Bhopal’s ICDPC (The Institute Career Development and Placement
Our PAE (Physics After Engineering) community members have contributed to building this nice handy list of books they’ve gone through.
Our group members have made it big!! They have been selected to many prestigious institutes like IITs(Mumbai, Delhi, Kharagpur Kanpur,
Hi I’m Yash. I was called for the interview at TIFR-H via my JEST score on 13th June for Int-PhD.
Some Popular Science Books:- 1) A brief history of time by Stephen Hawkin2) The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene3) Love