Citizens of Science
Of students || for students || by students
The Story of CoS

Content from students of IITs, IISERs, TIFRs etc.
Don’t be surprised if you find articles & videos from AIR-1s and AIR-5s. No Click-Bait, Legit useful posts & videos from students some of whom are in top institutes such as IITs, TIFRs, IISERs etc.
Well-knit communities of 1000s of enthusiasts
You’ll be warmly welcomed by Hundreds of us (including the authors of the blogposts) who can understand and share your joy in learning things out of sheer passion! We constantly help each other out, give suggestions & share about opportunities etc..
Crowd-sourced Information
Our community members hail from diverse places from all over the country(some studying abroad). We gather information regarding the best colleges and Universities from their places
Not-for profit
Every thing here is free for everyone. Not a rupee was charged from anyone nor do we plan on doing it ever. We’ll probably have a donation based revenue model (We’ll let you know once we begin it).
Stroll through the Dorms
Meet the best Seniors you never had
Many more
“Dear Dushyanth,
I read your blog today and was highly impressed by the kind of information and article that you have given the links for. Wonderful. I am all for it. With the kind of persistence that you have you can get into the authorities at the central level.” [Referring to Physics after Engineering blog]

Dr. H C Verma
Renowned Author
Padmashri Awardee
From the Giants

Good luck!

Highly revered for Physics
YouTube Lectures with
over 20 Millon views
I wish you all the best in your noble endeavour. Wishing you all success.
Love and Peace"

UNESCO Consultant
Translated over 300
Science Books to Hindi
From the community
"The first time I came across CoS community while searching for physics Universities, I had tears in my eyes that somebody made it and there is hope for me, Thank you"

MSc Physics, IIT Kanpur

Medicine or Natural Science in Biology? Differentiating between a MBBS degree and B.Sc/ BS degree